Thursday, May 1, 2008

Still thinking about it

Heaven help me, Finny linked to my blog, which doesn't really exist. I started it a year ago, then realized I wasn't too sure about putting my life out there for the world. But I do like to share all the things I make, so I think I may start again, just with project-like posts.

I'm tickled pink (pun intended) to be the FaDSA winner for April. My goal for these projects was to use up fabric in the bins and bins and bins that I have collected over the past five years. So when I saw that this apron was seersucker, I knew I had to use the pink-seersucker-that-was-going-to-be-a-dress-for-my-daughter-but-was-still-in-the-bin. Then out of laziness and also thinking it would be stinkin' cute, I used some wide ribbon I had instead of sewing ties. This time-saver was then counter-balanced when the apron hung way low and I had to cut the neckstrap and sew on some d-rings to make it adjustable.

So, I really wanted this to be a gift, but once I made it I could not think of a soul to give it to. Everyone I know preppy enough to wear this (and I know some, believe me) doesn't cook. And this is not to be wasted on the non-cooking because it is functional, people. Full boob coverage!

There you have it - I just appliqued that little 'J' on there and now there's no mistaking - this sucker's mine and I look darn sassy in my kitchen. Just ask my kids, they'll tell you. Mommy wears this pretty dress thing when she cooks now. Yep.


Julie H said...

It's very cute! What is the link to the sewing challenge place?

African Kelli said...

ha! I didn't know you had a blog!! WOO HOO!